Oct 7 – 9, 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

One of the challenges of the LSST community is to optimize the scientific return of observations by preparing participants to source separation (i.e. de-blending) for different science cases.
The purpose of the workshop is to study in detail the application of the Scarlet pipeline for de-blending sources in different astrophysical contexts of interest for the LSST community.

The workshop will include both plenary and parallel sessions with tutorials of the pipeline and examples of application to different science cases: SNe, stellar clusters, young stellar objects, pulsating stars, exo-planets, high- redshift galaxies,
blazars, AGNs, reionization and cosmology. The hands-on sessions, led by expert tutors, will allow all the participants to handle with the pipeline, maximizing the transfer-of-knowledge from the tutors to the audience.
The organization also includes sessions with invited talks by members of the LSST collaboration, discussion sessions with input from participants, and -possibly- contributed talks.

Given the specific aims of the workshop, the number of participants will be limited to ~60.
No fee for registration will be applied.


Confirmed invited speakers

Peter Melchior 
Leanne Guy
Rachel Street
Robert H. Lupton

Salita Moiariello, 16 - Napoli

For information about how to reach meeting location and accommodations, please see this Web page

Registration for this event is currently open.