Jun 10 – 11, 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Please use the link below to submit the abstract for a presentation you would like to give at the workshop.

Please notice that we would like to keep the structure of the presentations somewhat uniform, and we would like the speakers to address in their presentation some points of general interest for the Lab.
These points should be:

Section Requirements and needs for current and future spectroscopic surveys
- which data volume/ n. of spectra?
- Main sectroscopic characteristics (resolution, redshift range)
- which tools are available? (for reduction or analysis)?
- which further tools are needed?
- Timeline

Section Data processing and data analysis pipelines
- purpose (which instrument or kind of data)
- development stage
- public/not public
- want to/need help to make it public?
- experience to share

Section Databases
- purpose (which survey/s)
- development stage
- public/not public
- want to/need help to make it public?
- experience to share

The call for abstracts is closed.