19–20 Nov 2018
Rome, ASI HQ
UTC timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline



**, a conference
devoted to developing the Italian involvement in TOLIMAN

November 19-20, 2018, Rome, Italy (https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/726/)
The registration deadline is October 31st 2018

In these exciting times, more and more space-based instruments are being devoted to the exploration of extrasolar planets. Italy, through the European Space Agency, is in the forefront of such a research within the frameworks of CHEOPS, PLATO and ARIEL missions and taking advantage of US missions like KEPLER and TESS, also through the use of a dedicated ground-based facility, mostly for radial velocity measurements. Still, the selection effects involved in this extraordinary effort makes in a way that we are lacking complete information about exoplanets in the immediate vicinity of our Solar System. It is widely recognized that direct imaging and astrometry are in principle able to handle such an important parameter space in exoplanets observations. While Italy is gaining more and more grasp on this approach through GAIA and SPHERE, SHARK and other Adaptive Optics assisted ground-based instruments, we try to gather momentum from the Italian community involved in exoplanets and in the instrumentation community in order to support a possible Italian participation to the TOLIMAN mission: a small sized telescope fostering to detect astrometric perturbations around nearby stars, and notably Alpha Cen, in order to assess the details of Earth twins exoplanets revolving around our neighborhood companions.

With a suite of invited talk that should cover the scientific and instrumentation topics related to such a goal we invite the community, especially the Italian one, to propose contributions related to:

  • Statistical significance of Earth Twins in our vicinity;
  • Likelihood of habitability in such systems;
  • Features of the closest stars (activity, rotational, etc.) linked to the detectability and habitability of their exoplanets;
  • Pushing frontiers in technological development for detection of such exoplanets from space and from the ground;
  • Astrometry techniques;
  • The implication of exoplanets detection in the vicinity and potential follow up observations.

The latter being a non-exhaustive list. Inquiries can be placed to email carmelo.arcidiacono@inaf.it and registration and submission should be accomplished through the meeting website accessible at https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/726

The call for abstracts is closed.