9–13 Apr 2018
Orto Botanico di Padova
Europe/Rome timezone
News: the proceeding submission deadline has been moved to July 15th, 2018

What is in a radio loud NLS1?

13 Apr 2018, 10:10
Orto Botanico di Padova

Orto Botanico di Padova

Via Orto Botanico 15 35123 Padova PD


Sonia Anton (CIDMA - Univ Aveiro)


In many of radio loud NLS1 galaxies has been found evidence of disturbed
host morphology, in some cases hinting for merger processes, that are
putative sources of gas replenishment. We have been investigating the
less known radio loud NLS1 population, in the relatively nearby Universe (z<1),
that have flat radio spectrum, assumed to be the manifestation of the presence
of a radio jet. In a fraction of the objects the infrared emission is well
fitted by a combination of an AGN component and an "active" host galaxy
component like M82, the estimate SFR being in the LIRG/ULIRG range
(10-500 Msolar/yr). In order to better characterise that component we have been investing the submillimetre emission of these sources, something that has never been tested at our
knowledge, using APEX. Here we present the results concerning a pilot
sample of 3 representative objects.

Primary author

Sonia Anton (CIDMA - Univ Aveiro)

Presentation materials

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