21–23 May 2025
Europe/Rome timezone

The AI in Astronomy workshop is the first in a series of events organized and supported by the USC8-AI Thematic Group of the INAF USC VIII Computing Division.

The primary goal of the AI in Astronomy thematic group is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, experiences and best practices, provide support, and promote collaboration among INAF researchers who are currently using or plan to use ML/DL techniques in their research. Additionally, the group aims to foster synergies between various astrophysical topics where a specific ML/DL approach could serve as a connecting link.

By pooling their expertise, the group aims to help members identify suitable solutions for specific problems, and tackle the challenges of applying AI models in astronomy - from data preparation and preprocessing to model development, training, testing, optimization, and deployment.

Further information about the group are available here: https://usc8.inaf.it/tematic-groups/ai-in-astronomy/.

  • Location: Catania - INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico
  • Date: 21-23 May 2025
  • Event Closure: 23 May 2025 at ~16:30
  • Registration: No fees; lunches and coffee breaks provided free of charge.
  • Participation mode: In-person attendance is strongly recommended (limited to 40-50 participants) in line with the meeting's spirit, easing interactions and opportunities for asking questions. Remote attendance is available for the talk sessions only.
  • Workshop Program: The workshop program will feature technical presentations and activity reports from team members, along with training sessions and hands-on activities on selected topics. The talks are meant as “activity reports” from teams or individual researchers, aiming to identify shared interests for potential future projects. Some workshop sessions (discussions, hands-on) will be conducted in Italian. 
    • Day 1: Oral contributions (15-20 minutes maximum) on machine learning activities from team members. Contributions must be submitted in advance through the designated Indico page. Both individual and group contributions are welcome.
    • Day 2-3: Training tutorials consisting of oral presentations and hands-on sessions, delivered by volunteer tutors from the USC8-AI Thematic Group. The tutorials will cover selected machine learning topics, identified through a bottom-up process.  
Aula Magna
Via S. Sofia, 78, 95123 Catania CT
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Application for this event is currently open.