14–18 Oct 2024
Galzignano Resort Terme & Golf
UTC timezone

Remote participation : https://inaf-it.zoom.us/j/87450213665?pwd=mrRnfaqHlSoxUITXunfotuYBQQRtRw.1

This is the first general meeting of the recently instituted INAF Central Scientific Unit VIII-Computing (USC VIII-Computing). The medium-long term objective of this USC is of contributing to the coordination of the work, competences and skills present in the INAF structures in the various ICT areas, starting from data towards hardware, software and networks  architectures and infrastructures, in order to grow a computing ecosystem around the research and development in astronomy and astrophysics. The main aim of all of that being the support, for the next few decades, of the very high competitiveness of the members of INAF in the international arena. 

The assembly will offer a great opportunity, after pandemic, to meet all INAF people involved in the different thematic connected to the data and computing technologies, affecting the whole data life cycle. 

This includes all INAF people working in digital technologies for the research, development and innovation activities in astronomy and astrophysics, including for example data management and archives, computation in the computing continuum with infrastructures, facilities, data centers and software tools, networks and hardware, etc, but also in key and new areas of computing like AI techniques/technologies and quantum computing and the transversal fields (e.g., security,  interoperability and standards, open source and open data in the context of open science practices).

Moreover, the meeting will also be the occasion to meet people of the INAF structures involved in the design, deployment, management and support of the digital infrastructures, tools and services for the whole personnel.

Furthermore, the assembly will host a series of parallel sessions dedicated to administrative staff, focused on organizational topics, budgeting, and in general on the digitalisation of public administrations and on the challenges related to the development of new management systems, and the use of those already acquired.

The assembly will give opportunities to enforce the expertise and competences, also through the offerings of specific training sessions,  to disseminate experiences, activities and best practises around common needs and problems, and to promote discussions in the several thematics for all the personnel involved in INAF. This could help the establishment or consolidation of collaboration and facilitate the information exchange. 

Finally, we would like to preserve the spirit of the very successful series of the ICT meeting, unfortunately interrupted due to the insurgence of the Covid. In this respect, the particular location could promote the "team-up" action among all the people working or interested in specific fields, and also allows for professional development; in this regard, participation in the entire week is strongly encouraged.

We invite the participants to the submission of abstracts in any of the themes. The readjusted deadline for abstract submission is 15 September 2024.

Thanks to the support of USC VIII, there is no registration fee for INAF personnel.

Obviously, the participants will have to take care of all the other costs. In particular, please note that booking of the accomodation at the venue of the Assembly must be done individually (and independently from the registration) following the instructions reported at the menu "Logistic Information" on the left side of this page. The extended deadline for the booking of the accomodation  at the venue of the Assembly is 21 September 2024, whereas the registration will be open until 30 September 2024


SOC: Serena Pastore (chair) on behalf of the USC VIII steering committee  Ugo Becciani, Gianfranco Brunetti, Andrea Bulgarelli, Deborah Busonero, Alessandro Costa,  Anna Di Giorgio, Cristina Knapic, Marco Landoni, Andrea Possenti, Giuliano Taffoni

LOC: Serena Pastore, Cristina Knapic, Barbara Neri, Sabrina Carraro, Federica De Guio, Federico Di Giacomo, Fabrizio Lion, Laura Marongiu, Amedeo Petrella, Danilo Selvestrel, Cristiano Urban.

Galzignano Resort Terme & Golf
Viale delle Terme, 84 Galzignano Terme (PD)
Go to map

Remote participation link:
