27 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Universita' di Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica
Europe/Rome timezone

Combining single dish and interferometric observations of galaxy clusters: the case of the cluster CL0217+70

29 Nov 2023, 10:40
Department of Physics, Aula Magna

Department of Physics, Aula Magna


Paolo Marchegiani (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))


We present the results of observations at the frequency of 1.4 GHz performed with the Sardinia Radio Telescope of the galaxy cluster CL0217+70 and its surrounding region; we combine the obtained results with available interferometric observations at the same frequency performed with the Very Large Array.
We discuss the information that can be derived by combining single dish and interferometric observations, in particular regarding the diffuse emission in the cluster, with special focus on the radio halo, and the magnetization of the environment.
We also report the observation of an extended emission located outside the cluster and having a very large area: we present its properties, and discuss its possible nature.

Reasearch area Extragalactic Continuum (galaxies/AGN, galaxy clusters)

Primary author

Paolo Marchegiani (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

Presentation materials

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