This meeting is dedicated to the memory of Antonio Sollima, our friend and colleague, who prematurely passed away in January 2023. We invite the speakers willing to remember Antonio to briefly share their memories about him during their talks.

Please upload your slides on the Zenodo Repository of the meeting (pdf format). This will allow all the participants to access the results you presented there, it will make the talk properly quotable (by doi number) and it will keep record of high participation and high quality of the talks. It takes just a few minutes, it is easy!
The Final statement on the process to have a meeting for the Italian Stellar Astrophysics/Galactic Astronomy/Stellar populations community with regular cadence and on the organization of next such meeting (2025) is available on the Zenodo repository

- The meeting will start in the early afternoon (2PM CEST) of Monday 16 October and will end with the morning session of Friday 20 October (1 PM CEST).
- It will be held in the INAF National Auditorium, at the Capodimonte Observatory, in Naples.
- We accept contributed talks only in presence. However, all the meeting sessions will be broadcasted, and a Slack channel will be open for comments/questions, not necessarily in real time.
- The registration fee is 230 Euro and will include lunches during the full days of the meeting and shuttle connecting downtown hotels and the congress site.
- There are funds available to support a limited number of students, postdocs and junior scientists. It is possible to submit the request for a grant application filling this Google Form after the registration. The deadline to submit the funding requests is September, 10, but all other things being equal, priority will be given to those who registered earlier, so we encourage who need funding support to do the registration and submit the funding request as soon as possible.
- Abstract submission: July 21, 2023
- Registration and Fee payment/Funding request: September 10, 2023
- Allocation of financial support: September 20, 2023
- Social Dinner payment: September 30, 2023
Michele Bellazzini (Chair), Marco Limongi, Sara Lucatello, Laura Magrini, Marcella Marconi, Andrea Miglio, Ilaria Musella, Oscar Straniero,
Ilaria Musella (Chair), Rosario Aiello, Romilda Cozzolino, Giulia De Somma, Maria Teresa Fulco, Massimiliano Gatto, Modestino Iafanti, Silvio Leccia, Guido Mascolo, Roberto Molinaro, Vincenzo Ripepi