Oct 16 – 20, 2023
Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Napoli)
Europe/Rome timezone

Social Events

Social Dinner: 

Social dinner will be at "Villa Corte dei Leoni" on October 18th at 8:30 pm. 

Bus Schedule for the Social Dinner (Map with bus stop locations.)


  • 6:00 pm Porta Grande 

Downtown-Social Dinner

  • 7:45 Monteoliveto
  • 7:55 Museo Archeologico 

Observatory-Social Dinner

  • 7:45 Porta Grande



Excursion: Catacombs of San Gennaro and San Gaudioso

The excursion will be to the "Catacombs of San Gennaro and San Gaudioso" on 19 October at 5 pm. Payment will be cash during the conference. The cost is 11 euros. The duration is about 2 hours.

Since almost all the participants to the meeting will visit the Catacombs there will be no Observatory-Downton shuttle service after the afternoon session of 19 October.
For those not coming to the Catacombs (about 7 people) it will be possible to book a taxi on request.