May 16 – 18, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Scientific Programme

Scientific Programme (ver. 6)


16 Maggio


14:30 - 16:10


(Chair: G. Micela)


14:30 -14:35


Giusi Micela



14:35 -15:10


Giovanna Tinetti

Science enabled by Ariel


15:10 -15:40


Emanuele Pace

The Ariel Payload


15:40 -16:10


Lorenzo Mugnai

Ariel's simulation framework


16:10- 16:40



16:40 - 17:50

Stellar Characterization

(Chair: G. Scandariato)


16:40 -17:10


Laura Magrini

Stellar characterisation: current status and first scientific results


17:10 -17:30


Maria Tsantaki

Fast rotators in the Ariel sample


17:30 -17:50


Monica Rainer

Ground-based observations for the Stellar Characterisation WG


18:15 -20:00


Drink at OAPa


17 Maggio


09:00 -10:20

Stellar activity

(Chair: S. Ivanovski)


09:00 -09:20


Serena Benatti

Multiwavelength analysis


09:20 -09:40


Jesus Maldonado

Stellar Variability across timescales


09:40 -10:00


Antonino Petralia

Modeling of stellar surface


10:00 -10:20


Alfredo Biagini

Deconvolution of stellar activity





10:50 -13:30

The origin and evolution of (exo)planetary atmospheres (Chair: I. Pagano)

10:50 -11:10


Diego Turrini

Ariel 2025 Synergy Activity: from circumstellar disks to atmospheric retrievals


11:10 -11:30


Elenia Pacetti

Chemical diversity in protoplanetary discs and its impact on the formation history of giant planets


11:30 -11:40


Sergio Fonte

Oxygen depletion in giant planets with different formation histories


11:40 -12:00


Daniele Locci

Searching for signatures of X-ray induced chemistry in the spectra of exoplanetary atmospheres


12:00 -12:20


Salvatore Colombo

Impacts of Coronal Mass Ejection on hot Jupiter atmosphere


12:20 -12:40


Paolo Simonetti

From the chemistry of Neptunes to the habitability of Super-Earths: the contribution of the EOS model to the Ariel mission


12:40 -13:00


Franz Saja

Quantum-mechanical investigation of phosphine synthesis in Venus atmosphere


13:00 -14:30



14:30 -16:00

Next Generation Diagnostics and Ariel capabilities (Chair: L. Affer)

14:30 -14:55


Andrea Bocchieri

Ariel Reconnaissance Survey Targets: Detection of Molecules and Promotion to Higher Tiers


14:55 -15:20


Cesare Cecchi Pestellini

Analytic atmospheric models


15:20 -16:00

Discussion (1) 

Chair: Diego Turrini 

Next Generation Diagnostics and Ariel capabilities

Integrazione modelli atmosferici , spi e formazione: diagnostiche di Ariel


16:00 -16:20



16:40 -17:20

Target selection

(Chair: L. Magrini)


16:20 -16:40


Antonio Maggio

High Lx target selection


16:40 -17:00


Claudia Di Maio

Impact of the planetary mass uncertainty on the atmospheric retrieval of a subsample of the Ariel MRS


17:00 -18:00

Synergy high-low spectral resolution (Chair: L. Magrini)


17:00 -17:20

 Gloria GuilluyOn the synergy between high-resolution and low-resolution spectroscopy: where needs high-resolution to be improved? 

17:20 -17:40

 Paolo GiacobbeRetrieval of molecular abundances and temperature-pressure profiles combining high and low-resolution transmission spectroscopy in the near-infrared. 

17:40 -18:00


Lorenzo Pino

A new approach to high spectral resolution phase curves and its application to KELT-9b




Social Dinner







18 Maggio


Working groups and Activities   (Chair: I. Pillitteri)


09:00 -09:20


Giovanni Bruno

Study of stellar granulation with Cheops and Ariel


09:20 -09:40


Tiziano Zingales

Quantum Exoplanet eXplorer


09:40 -10:00


Luca Borsato

High Cadence Photometry WG


10:00 -10:20


Riccardo Claudi

Investigating the correlations between transiting system parameters and host chromospheric activity.


10:20 -10:50



10:50 -13.00

Discussion (2)    (Chair: D. Turrini)


Andrea Lorenzani

Stellar activity, exosim, and the protopipeline 


13:00 -14:30



14:30 -15:00


Andrea Bocchieri



15:00 -15:45


Giusi Micela

Actions and plans

piano implementativo con azioni e scadenze (breve e medio termine)


15:45 -16:15



16:15 -17:30

Passeggiata Astronomica

Itinerario astronomico nel centro di Palermo selezionato dalla guida "Palermo, seconda stella a destra" insieme agli astronomi del team EXOPA