May 16 – 18, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone


3rd Meeting of the Italian community dedicated to Ariel's scientific preparation.

16-17-18 May 2023



  • Are you interested in the astronomical walk in the center of Palermo (18 May, 4.00 pm)?

Please fill the form:

  • Scientific program now available 



The 3rd workshop of the Italian community involved in the scientific activities of the Ariel consortium will be held in Palermo on 16-18 May 2023 in the Camplus Palermo.


As a community, we are contributing to several aspects of the scientific preparation of the mission and of the dry run of the mission in 2025. This third national scientific workshop, reserved for Italian consortium participants, therefore will be focused on the ongoing activities for the dry run.


The meeting will include sessions related to the Mission Reference Sample properties, the characterization of stars and their planet-forming discs, the development of models, the measurement of planetary parameters, the diagnostic of planet formation, the simulations and evaluation of scientific performance, the development of data analysis techniques, preparatory observations, and much more. 


The goal is to have a lively meeting with room for discussions, exchange of ideas, and planning 

With this in mind, we invite you to submit abstracts for the meeting. Young people are especially encouraged to propose presentations.


You can register on the workshop website ( ) and submit the abstract of the talk(s) you would like to present. The detailed program will be defined on the basis of your proposals.


The registrations and the submission of abstracts should be done by April 28 2023, to allow the preparation of the program.



SOC: C. Cecchi Pestellini, L. Magrini, G. Micela (chair), L. Mugnai, I. Pagano, D. Turrini

LOC: L. Affer (chair), S. Benatti, S. Colombo, M. D'Arpa, C. Di Maio, D. Locci, R. Muscolino, S. Speziale
