28–30 Sept 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

From the Alfonsine tables to the Prutenic tables

28 Sept 2023, 14:30
Istituto Polacco di Roma, Palazzo Blumensthil (Rome)

Istituto Polacco di Roma, Palazzo Blumensthil


Via Vittoria Colonna, 1 00193 Roma


Giancarlo Truffa (Independent Scholar)


One of the first results of the publication of the De revolutionibus has been the preparation and the publication of the Prutenicae Tabulae Coelestium Motuum, first published in 1551 by Erasmus Reinhold. In my contribution I will present a brief excursus of the astronomical tables in use before the publication of these two groundbreaking works, the main characteristics of the tables included in Copernicus' book and the improvements and corrections introduced by Reinhold with his Prutenic tables.

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