Copernicus in Padua: Portrait of Astronomer with Figures
Giangiacomo Gandolfi
(INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma)
Copernicus, the inferior planets, and the Italian Jesuits between Rome and Bologna
Flavia Marcacci
(Pontificia Università Lateranense - Roma)
An Unknown Astronomical Work on Planetary Theory from the Renaissance: Giulio Cesare Luchini, Delle revolutioni delle sfere celesti libri IX (ca. 1581)
Razieh Moussavi
(Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin)
Pietro Daniel Omodeo
(Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia)
Man Goes To The Moon: Copernicus' Legacy, an unconventional perspective
Elisa Belotti
(Università di Bergamo)
The long term revolutionary influence of Copernicus on the Italian literature
Paola Focardi
(Università di Bologna)