2nd TETIS Workshop

Roma Monte Mario

Roma Monte Mario

Andrea Baruffolo (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Anna Maria Di Giorgio (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Giulio Capasso (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Mauro Dolci (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Paolo Di Marcantonio (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Sebastiano Ligori (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

The First TETIS Workshop (October 2020) was very successful in bringing
together in a (virtual) venue the groups in INAF working on all aspects of
Control Software for Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation. It was an
occasion for those groups to present themselves, their experience and give
an overview of the projects they are involved in.
The objective of the Second TETIS Workshop is to build on that experience
and progress in creating a collaboration network where the distributed
knowledge and experience can be effectively shared among the participants.
Therefore, the focus of contributions will shift from presenting existing
groups and experiences to:
* presenting new initiatives and activities;
* discuss practical ways of exploiting synergies and sharing of knowledge;
* discuss possible common initiatives in the short and mid-term.

Workshop themes:
* Instrumentation and Telescope SW Frameworks;
* Development Processes;
* SW Engineering and Tools;
* SW Quality and Product Assurance;
* Local, Embedded and Real-Time Control Applications.

The Workshop will be held in a hybrid format. Although participation in
person is recommended, it will be possible to attend remotely.

This is the Workshop's second announcement. Anyone willing to attend should
register at: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/tetis2, where you can also submit
an abstract for your contribution. Please note that due to time limitations
we might not be able to accept all contributions.

Abstract due date: January 18, 2023
Notification of acceptance: January 25, 2023


Remote participation: https://meet.google.com/iga-xffg-yqc
Alternative phone number: ‪(IT) +39 02 3041 9590‬ PIN: ‪462 610 399‬#
Other phone number: https://tel.meet/iga-xffg-yqc?pin=5826348317686

Andrea Baruffolo (andrea.baruffolo@inaf.it)
Anna Di Giorgio (anna.digiorgio@inaf.it)
Paolo Di Marcantonio (paolo.dimarcantonio@inaf.it)
Sebastiano Ligori (sebastiano.ligori@inaf.it)
Giulio Capasso (giulio.capasso@inaf.it)
Mauro Dolci (mauro.dolci@inaf.it)


  • Thursday 2 February
    • 1
    • 2
      Introduction / Greetings
    • Space and Optical
      • 3
        SQA for EUCLID NISP DPU ASW: implementation, possible evolution and impact on the development of an SQA infrastructure for ground-based instruments

        The Data Processing Unit (DPU) is the scientific core of the EUCLID NISP instrument where data
        processing is, for the first time on this type of instrument, performed in flight. The SQA process
        for its ASW (Application Software) is described here: the standards, the quality targets, and the
        tools used during the software lifecycle. A possible evolution of this framework using exclusively
        open-source tools is under scrutiny and is also described. Lastly, as ESO/ELT instruments are
        reaching complexities comparable to space-based instruments and ESO itself is keen to apply ECSS
        standards, we describe how SQA for ESO/ELT instruments is going to profit from NISP DPU ASW

        Speaker: Andrea Balestra (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 4
        Control Software at OATo: from stratosphere to space

        In INAF-OATo we are consolidating our experience in design and development of control SW for
        different scientific instrumentation.
        We are mainly focused on space missions, among them, Euclid in its final rush before launch,
        Athena and Ariel; but we are also involved in a stratospheric baloon-based experiment.
        In order to capitalize previous experiences and to optimize the effort facing so many challenging
        projects, the need arises for common tools, both for modelling and for sw development.
        On the other hand, lessons learnt in space missions can be usefully rescaled in the design of a
        smaller experiment.
        In this presentation, I will share our experience, with an highligth on common needs between
        projects that are setting the roadmap of our research.

        Speaker: Donata Bonino (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 5
        Monitoring and controlling the PRISMA network

        The PRISMA network is composed of many camera devices distributed in different parts of Italy
        detecting fireballs everyday. Each camera produces images that must be synchronized in a server
        and calibrated daily and monthly. In case of multiple detections (event), another process must be
        run in order to perform other kinds of analysis. The entire network must be monitored in order to
        detect faulty devices. This contribution analyses the decision taken for monitoring and controlling
        the PRISMA network in the server available in Turin.

        Speaker: Matteo Di Carlo (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 15:35
        Coffee break
      • 6
        PLICO: a framework for Adaptive Optics laboratory experiments

        PLICO (Python Laboratory Instrumentation COntrol) is a framework for developing instrument
        control applications, such as the devices usually available in a scientific laboratory. It is entirely

        written in Python and based on a client-server model, typically using zeromq as message dis-

        The creation of the framework was a response to the need to use the instrumentation available
        in the Arcetri laboratories in a quickly and easily accessible format. The software architecture is
        designed to allow simple expansion of the server libraries with the introduction of new devices.
        The available packages of the PLICO framework are:
        1. plico-camera to control videocameras
        2. plico-dm to control Deformable Mirrors
        3. plico-dm-characterization for the deformable mirrors calibration and characterization
        4. plico-motor to control motor
        5. plico-interferometer to control interferometers
        We present the status of the project and a few examples of application.

        Speaker: Chiara Selmi (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 7
        Commissioning of SHINS, the SHARK-NIR INstrument control Software

        SHARK-NIR, the new infrared, coronography-driven instrument for LBT, has been installed at its
        bent gregorian left focus and is facing the commissioning phase.
        We present the (ongoing) commissioning activities of SHINS, the SHARK-NIR INstrument control
        The development of the control software is taking advantage from these hands-on sessions to reach
        a stable, advanced phase.
        We present the web-based Observation Blocks XML editor based on REST APIs, a simplified version
        of ESO P2, that we use to create parameters set not only for SHARK observation Templates, but
        also to recall the large number of AIT tests (flexures, coronagraphic mask alignment, scientific
        camera performances...).

        Taking advantage of the web approach, we decided to expose APIs also for individual device move-
        ment and monitoring, as well as for general status. These APIs are then used in the web-based

        instrument control and synoptic panel, as well as in an integrated RTC panel to show and control
        the deformable mirror, the camera, and the related to the closed-loop parameters.
        We then summarize the lesson learned at this stage, the critical issues, ad the general progress
        status of the software.

        Speaker: Davide Ricci (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 8
        ELT Framework: the MAVIS and MORFEO use cases

        MAVIS (MCAO Assisted Visible Imager and Spectrograph) is a new instrument being built for the ESO’s Very Large Telescope.

        MAVIS is currently approaching the Preliminary Design Review (end of Mar 2023) and it is composed of a multi conjugate adaptive optics module and two scientific channels, both operating in the visible range.

        MORFEO (Multi conjugate adaptive Optics Relay For ELT Observatory) is the adaptive module for ESO's Extremely Large Telescope.

        They will be both among the first ESO instruments that will use the new ESO's ELT-SW framework, under development at ESO.

        We present the current status of their control software. We give an overview of their preliminary architectural design, focusing on the functions under software control and the main differences between the two instruments. Then we show how we intend to set up the first functional "skeleton" of both the instruments, which will be the first short-term objective of the design phase.

        Speaker: Bernardo Salasnich (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 9
        Special devices on ELT-SW: lessons learned on FORS1

        The ELT Instrument Framework Software (IWS), although in its pre-release phase, has reached
        a significant maturity and is already being used to implement the control software of new VLT
        instruments (such as FORS1 and CUBES). In this talk I will present our experiences in developing
        the so-called “special devices” (i.e. devices lacking a standard, commonly adopted implementation)
        for the FORS1 instrument control software. In particular, I will present a few solutions which are
        not yet discussed in the ELT documentation.

        Speaker: Giorgio Calderone (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 10
        PLCs within ESO ELT framework

        After an introduction to Beckhoff PLCs and their development environment, I will describe low-
        level software programming within the ELT framework. I will illustrate how standard and special

        ESO devices are configured and conclude by briefly describing Siemens PLCs and their character-

        Speaker: Antonio Sulich (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
  • Friday 3 February
    • Radio and High Energy
      • 11
        SRTC presentation

        A brief introduction to Morpheus and the RTC and where the SRTC fits in with respect to both. We
        will discuss the methods with which we are facing the problem of its realization and the techniques
        used up to now with particular attention to the analysis of the RTC toolkit provided by ESO. We
        will also analyze the current state and where it’s headed in the future.

        Speaker: Salvatore Lampitelli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 12
        The infrastructure for continuous integration and deploying at SKA

        The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is an international effort to build two radio interferometers in

        South Africa and Australia forming one Observatory monitored and controlled from global head-
        quarters (GHQ) based in the United Kingdom at Jodrell Bank. SKA is highly focused on adopting

        CI/CD practices for its software development. CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration \& Deliv-
        ery and/or Deployment. This paper analyses the CI/CD practices selected by the Systems Team,

        a specialised agile team devoted to developing and maintaining the tools that allow continuous

        Speaker: Matteo Di Carlo (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 13
        Taranta: the web-based approach adopted by SKA. And not only.

        The use of the graphical user interface in a control system is the challenge of every control room
        and is often dominated by standalone applications. Web technologies allow us to overcome some

        limitations of standalone applications, but also involve some obstacles. With Taranta we are dis-
        covering a trend that prefers web technologies.

        Taranta suite is a web-based toolset jointly developed by MAX IV Laboratory and the SKA that
        allows the fast development of graphical user interfaces connected to TANGO devices, based on a
        set of predefined widgets and a drag-and-drop mechanism and therefore without the need to write
        any additional code.
        During the presentation, it will be presented the Taranta general architecture and the main widgets
        currently available, it will be described how the Taranta suite is deployed in the SKA integration
        environment and explained the process used to collect feedback from the SKA community to define
        the roadmap for the future development of the tool.

        Speaker: Matteo Canzari (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 14
        TANGO for LOFAR 2.0: an overview of the LOFAR Station Control software

        Since 2020, ASTRON has chosen the TANGO Controls framework for the development of the
        Monitor and Control Station software for LOFAR 2.0, a major upgrade regarding both software
        and infrastructure facilities. INAF is currently involved in the Station software development both
        in the Station Control team and in the Telescope Manager team, recently merged as a single team.

        The present overview covers the general system architecture, the hierarchy among TANGO de-
        vices, the software tools used in the system and shows some representative use cases and tech-
        nical challenges. Moreover, the Station Control team is developing new software extensions to

        the PyTango framework in order to possibly overcome some technical difficulties and add specific
        missing features.

        Speaker: Stefano Di Frischia (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 10:40
        Coffee break
      • 15
        ASTRI Mini-Array On-Site Information and Communication Technology infrastructure

        The ASTRI (”Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana”) and Mini-Array project is
        a collaborative international effort led by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)
        for developing an array of nine 4m-class dual-mirror imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes.
        These telescopes will be sensitive to gamma-ray radiation at energies above 1 TeV. The Mini-Array

        is under construction at the Teide Observatory (Canary Islands). The ASTRI Mini-Array Informa-
        tion and Communication Technology (ICT) is distributed between the “on-site”(Teide) segment,

        to support the development, installation and on-site operations of the ASTRI Mini-Array, and the
        “off-site “(Rome, Italy) segment for data archiving and user support activities (see the companion
        contribution at this meeting).
        In this contribution it is described the design of the “on-site” ICT infrastructure, which includes
        various subsystems that can support various software components and how are foreseen all related
        implementations. The design of the virtual system for controlling telescopes, the data acquisition
        and data storage as well as the computing system are described too. All these components are
        connected together so a particular attention to the network topology is also given in order to
        guarantee nominal runtime together with the required data transfer throughtput to the off-site
        long term archive facility.
        Finally, it is introduced and described the mini-ICT , which is a reduced version of main on-site ICT
        infrastructure, currently installed in the ASTRI-MiniArray site to ensure the preliminary operation
        and validation of the subsystems and technologies adopted for the first three telescopes installed,
        before the final ICT infrastructure is in production.
        Finally the m-ICT has proved to be not only a workaround to compensate for the lack of the final
        ICT, but revealed to be fundamental in validation and testing of subsystems like the optical fiber
        network and Internet connection as well as the SCADA software integration.

        Speaker: Dr Fulvio Gianotti (OAS - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 16
        The ASTRI Mini-Array on-site infrastructure startup system, monitoring collectors and the Telescope AIV software

        The ASTRI Mini-Array, consisting of nine Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes of the 4-m
        class, is an international project led by INAF. The first telescope of the array was installed at the
        Teide Observatory on Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, the second half of 2022. All needed site
        infrastructures, to host the telescope and the other eight that will arrive soon, have been built and
        Here we report about the software that has been developed to collect monitoring points from
        the various infrastructure subsystems (Power, Networking, Computers, Time distribution system,
        CCTV cameras, Weather Stations, and Telescope Service Cabinets) and to support the AIV phase
        and the maintenance of each telescope. Finally, an on-site startup system, to switch-on and monitor
        the critical systems, has also been developed.

        Speaker: Gino Tosti (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 17
        The ASTRI Mini-Array Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition software system

        The ASTRI Mini-Array is an international collaboration led by INAF and devoted to imaging at-
        mospheric Cherenkov light for very-high γ-ray astronomy. The project is deploying an array of 9

        4-m class Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes at the Teide Observatory on Tenerife, in the
        Canary Islands, most sensitive to γ-ray radiation above 1 TeV. The Supervisory Control and Data
        Acquisition (SCADA) system controls all the operations carried out on-site, from the execution of
        an observing plan to the acquisition of scientific data. SCADA provides monitoring and online
        observations quality information to help assess data quality during the acquisition. Moreover, the
        system provides automated reactions to critical conditions. SCADA handles the automated data

        transfer to the Data Center at the Observatory in Rome through a high-speed networking con-
        nection, allowing us to operate the array remotely from different locations. In this contribution,

        we describe the software architecture of the SCADA system, the team organisation, the software
        engineering development approach and the software quality management.

        Speaker: Andrea Bulgarelli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
      • 18
        The monitoring, logging and alarm system of the ASTRI Mini-Array

        The ASTRI Mini-Array is an international collaboration led by INAF devoted to the construction

        and operation of an array of nine 4m-class, dual-mirror Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov tele-
        scopes located at the Teide Observatory (Canary Islands), sensitive to gamma-ray radiation at

        energies above 1 TeV. Large volumes of monitoring and logging data result from the operation of

        an array of Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. In the last few years, several “Big Data” technolo-
        gies have been developed to deal with such volumes of data, especially in the Internet of Things

        (IoT) framework.The ASTRI Mini-Array Monitoring Logging and Alarm (MLA) system provides

        an unified and coherent environment that aims at supporting the analysis of scientific data and im-
        proving the operational activities of the telescope facility. MLA is also designed to enable remote

        monitoring, predictive maintenance, software interoperability as well as an efficient organization
        of alarms and alerts.

        Speaker: Alessandro Costa (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
    • 19