High-Energy Varibility in PWNe

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Via Vittorio Veneto, 21 - 00187 Roma
Oral contribution Galactic Transients


Niccolo' Bucciantini (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))


Despite the long held assumption that PWNe at high energy could be counted as "stable candles", detection of gamma-ray flares in the Crab nebula, led us to revisit our ideas about the working of such systems. Given the lack of resolution of current gamma-ray observations, analysis of variability was performed at other wavelengths in search for possible counterparts that could guide us to the origin of these violent events without much luck. I will review here the status of our knowledge of high-energy variability (and variability in general) in PWNe, as well as the various models that have been proposed, and what are the prospect of observing similar events in other systems.

Primary author

Niccolo' Bucciantini (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

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