Sep 19 – 23, 2022
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
Europe/Rome timezone

Posters and Pitch Talks Instructions

Participants who will present a poster  are kindly invited to follow instructions here and to provide the requested files by September 20.


Posters will be in electronic format (e-Posters) as a 16:9  landscape slide  in pdf format

In addition, it is possible to submit a short (3 minutes) MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4) as pitch talk that will be shown during the poster session

The pdf file for the e-Poster and the mp4 file for the pitch talk must be uploaded on the google drive folder: 

If you have not asked to present a poster so far but would like to, you are kindly invited to inform the LOC as soon as possible and to send the required files (see instructions above).

The poster session is scheduled for Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:40 p.m.

List of accepted posters:  

  1. N. Lagarde - The evolution of the Galactic discs revealed by the Gaia-APOGEE-Kepler giant stars
  2. L. Fellay - 3D static models of close binaries in hydrostatic equilibrium with MoBiDICT
  3. N. Pop - The electron scattering on H2+and HD+ molecular cations: Dissociative recombination and ro-vibrational transitions . Application in astrophysics
  4. S. Lizin - 3D Time-dependent convection model for asteroseismology
  5. R. Urbonaviciute - Spectroscopic VUES and photometric TESS survey of single and binary variable stars
  6. E. Solano - VO tools and services for Gaia and the stellar evolution.
  7. R. Foroughi - Refined Ephemeris for Four Hot Jupiters using Ground-Based and TESS Observations
  8. J. Krüger - Spectroscopic analysis of A- and F-type stars observed by Kepler
  9. I. Negueruela - The upper HR diagram of young clusters is dominated by binary interaction
  10. P. Hasan - Star Formation in Serpens
  11. M. Kovalev - Detection of double-lined spectroscopic binaries in LAMOST-MRS using vsini variation
  12. Z. He - H-R diagrams of 1,656 CWNU new star clusters