5:00 PM
Refined Ephemeris for Four Hot Jupiters using Ground-Based and TESS Observations
R. Foroughi
5:05 PM
3D Time-dependent convection model for asteroseismology
S. Lizin
5:10 PM
The evolution of the Galactic discs revealed by the Gaia-APOGEE-Kepler giant stars
N. Lagarde
5:15 PM
3D static models of close binaries in hydrostatic equilibrium with MoBiDICT
L. Fellay
5:20 PM
Spectroscopic VUES and photometric TESS survey of single and binary variable stars
R. Urbonaviciute
5:25 PM
Spectroscopic analysis of A- and F-type stars observed by Kepler
J. Krüger
5:30 PM
H-R diagrams of 1,656 CWNU new star clusters
Z. He
5:35 PM
The electron scattering on H2+and HD+ molecular cations: Dissociative recombination and ro-vibrational transitions. Application in astrophysics (Pitch Talk)
N. Pop
5:40 PM
VO tools and services for Gaia and the stellar evolution. (Pitch Talk)
E. Solano
5:45 PM
The upper HR diagram of young clusters is dominated by binary interaction (Pitch Talk)
I. Negueruela
5:50 PM
Star Formation in Serpens (Pitch Talk)
P. Hasan
5:55 PM
Detection of double-lined spectroscopic binaries in LAMOST-MRS using vsini variation (Pitch Talk)
M. Kovalev