19–23 Sept 2022
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
Europe/Rome timezone

Coupling WEAVE observations with Gaia (Invited)

23 Sept 2022, 09:30


G. Kordopatis


With its 2 degrees field-of-view and its nearly 1000 fibers feeding a dual-beam spectrograph that covers the wavelength range 366-959nm at R~5000 or two shorter ranges at R~20 000, WEAVE, installed at the WHT in La Palma, will be the first large galactic survey with a target selection from Gaia DR3. It will complement Gaia with accurate radial velocities and metallicities for faint stars (G>15) and enrich the Gaia catalogue with precise abundances coming from different nucleosynthetic families for stars for which Gaia RVS has obtained only moderate resolution spectra. Simultaneously, it will enlarge the volume in which Gaia's transverse motions are useful and also allow to get well constrained, spectroscopically derived, ages for a significant fraction of the surveyed stars.
In this talk I will present an overview of the WEAVE Galactic archeology surveys and the way they will help improving our understanding of Milky Way formation.

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