30 May 2022 to 1 June 2022
Europe/Brussels timezone

Scope: the Zwicky Transient Facility Variable Source Classification Project

31 May 2022, 14:43


Il Principe Hotel Via Alessi, 24, 95124 Catania CT, Italy
Poster Presentation Poster Session Day 2


Joannes Van roestel (California Institute of Technology/University of Amsterdam) Zwicky Transient Facility collaboration


The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is an optical survey telescope that observes the northern sky every night. Lightcurves in $g$,$r$, and $i$ have been obtained of than a billion stars down to magnitude 20.5. Identification and classification of all variables in this huge dataset is required for multiple science cases. ZTF's volume of data, multicolour lightcurves, and (highly) irregular cadence contains a lot of information. These attributes also make classification a challenging problem, but also an excellent testing ground to learn how to deal with these challenges.
I will present our efforts to classify ZTF variable stars, how we dealt with these challenges and the design choices we made in the process. This includes the technical challenge of processing billions of lightcurves, the design of a comprehensive classification scheme and use of many one-vs-all classifiers, and our active learning approach to continuously correct and improve the classifiers.

Main Topic Classification and regression
Secondary Topic Active Learning
Participation mode In person

Primary author

Joannes Van roestel (California Institute of Technology/University of Amsterdam)


Dr Dima Duev (Caltech/Weights and Biases) Dr Ashish Mahabal (Caltech) Dr Matthew Graham (Caltech)

Presentation materials