30 May 2022 to 1 June 2022
Europe/Brussels timezone

Are large training samples always necessary for machine learning classification models?

30 May 2022, 15:02


Il Principe Hotel Via Alessi, 24, 95124 Catania CT, Italy
Poster Presentation Poster Session Day 1


Stavros Akras (Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing - National Observatory of Athens)


Over the last 2 decades machine learning (ML) algorithms have become increasingly popular in astronomy. Several photometric sky-surveys have been conducted and even more are planned for the near future covering a large spectral range. To explore this large amount of data is necessary to apply automatic techniques.
In this talk, I will present the results of the application of ML algorithms to identify new symbiotic stars and planetary nebulae candidates. Despite the small training samples, the performance of the models turns out to be sufficient. For specific problems in astronomy, the combination of data from different spectral wavelengths(different surveys) may be more crucial than the size of the training samples. The detection rate of symbiotic stars spectroscopic discoveries has increased by a factor of three compared to previous attempts.

Main Topic Image segmentation, object detection and classification
Secondary Topic Data mining
Participation mode In person

Primary author

Stavros Akras (Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing - National Observatory of Athens)

Presentation materials