30 May 2022 to 1 June 2022
Europe/Brussels timezone

Unravelling galaxy merger histories with deep learning

30 May 2022, 17:45


Il Principe Hotel Via Alessi, 24, 95124 Catania CT, Italy
Oral Presentation Deep Learning


Connor Bottrell (Kavli IPMU)


Mergers between galaxies can be drivers of morphological transformation and various physical phenomena, including star-formation, black-hole accretion, and chemical redistribution. These effects are seen clearly among galaxies that are currently interacting (pairs) -- which can be selected with high purity spectroscopically with correctable completeness. Galaxies in the merger remnant phase (post-mergers) exhibit some of the strongest changes, but are more elusive because identification must rely on the remnant properties alone. I will present results from my recent paper combining images and stellar kinematics to identify merger remnants using deep learning (arXiv:2201.03579). I show that kinematics are not the smoking-gun for improving remnant classification purity and that high posterior purity remains a significant challenge for remnant identification in the local Universe. However, an alternative approach which treats all galaxies as merger remnants and reframes the problem as an image-based deep regression yields exciting results.

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