Nov 17 – 19, 2020
UTC timezone

The IVOA Novermber 2020 Interoperability meeting organization will be similar to the last (May) Interoperability Meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone.  

The meeting schedule will be made up of sessions of the IVOA Working Groups and Interest Groups.  In addition, we envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time. We plan to make a slight adjustment in that we will welcome smaller proposals with >1 presenter in a session as well as longer proposals that take the hour.

The meeting schedule is available here.


POC/TCG coordination:

  • Patrick Dowler [CADC] (email)
  • Janet Evans [CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian] (email)


  • Marco Molinaro [INAF &](email)