Oct 16 – 18, 2019
Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Sala delle Capriate
UTC timezone

Maria Carla Sclocchi

Video Talk - Slides


Maria Carla Sclocchi, graduated in Biology in 1978, she is Head of Biology Laboratory at the Central institute for Conservation of Library and Archival Cultural Heritage (ICRCPAL), Ministry of Cultural Heritage in Rome from 2013. Main topics of research are mycology, molecular biology, electron microscopy and microanalysis applied to natural and induced biodeterioration and biodegradation phenomena on paper, parchment and photographic materials. She is involved as teacher in two courses (General Biology and Microbiology) at the High University School of Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the (SAF) of ICRCPAL. Scientific consultancy activities on the biodeterioration of materials belonging to italian and foreigner archives and collections of libraries. UNESCO emergency mission at the State Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, as an expert official aimed at assessing microbiological damage after serious shutdown, 2014.


Imbalances of the microclimate and opportunistic guests: a peculiar mould is established in the libraries 

Libraries and archives represent ecological niches in which microorganisms with peculiar characteristics in the field of cultural heritage can develop. The stability of the environments and the quantity and variety of the stored materials represent one of the causes of their presence and diffusion. Over the past 30 years, there has been some researches with partial understanding of how these uninvited guests developed. Today the frequency of these infections is significantly increased. The fungus Eurotium halophilicum, alone or in a highly specialized and efficient ecological community is a mould now widespread in archives and libraries not only in Italy and whose signs of development activity are known. Research is underway to apply accessible and achievable intervention strategies to ensure good preventive conservation in archives and libraries.