Oct 16 – 18, 2019
Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Sala delle Capriate
UTC timezone


Thanks to the Italian National Institute of Astronomy and the support of the Director of the INAF Palermo Observatory, we are pleased to inform all the registered participants that the registration fee is waived.

NOTE: The conference will be available via Livestream on Inaf - OAPa YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqer1_bcY2i-ZBna5OL5a1A) for those who are unable to attend the conference.


INAF holds, conserves and manages a considerable scientific and documentary heritage, among the most interesting and valuable in the field of History of science. Therefore, it has considered appropriate to organise a workshop devoted to preventive conservation, a highly topical issue arousing strong interest.

The exposure of cultural heritage to the environment has a significant impact on its degradation process. Consequently, the control of indoor conditions and parameters is vital to minimize further damage to historical artefacts and works of art. For instance, the assessment of indoor air quality represents a challenge for most museums.

Recently, INAF-OAPa has started an environmental monitoring project to  evaluate the microclimate effects on the historical collections kept in  the Specola Museum, Library and Archives, with the purpose of planning timely solutions and sustainable long-term strategies through a risk management approach.

The workshop therefore intends to offer an opportunity to share knowledge and experience among operators involved in the management and protection of collections, in order to improve understanding of the complex "environment - cultural asset" system.

Experts in the field of preventive conservation will present the most recent scientific acquisitions with the aim of bridging the gap between scientific research and conservative practice.

The last session of the workshop will be at the museum of the Palermo Observatory. Due to logistics reasons, we have to split the participants into three groups. Please, select the turn you prefer to come to the Museo della Specola. Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.


Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Sala delle Capriate
Piazza Marina, 61 On 18th October the venue will be the Museo della Specola at the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo in Piazza Parlamento,1.