Oct 16 – 18, 2019
Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Sala delle Capriate
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Laura Ronzon

Video Talk - Slides


Laura Ronzon is the Director of Collections at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan and ICOM Member since 2000.

She contributes to the implementation and development of the Museum cultural and scientific projects, manages the collections, the archives and the library for all aspects of research, documentation, conservation and for projects devoted to the public access and the public engagement of the collections. She coordinates the team of curators responsible for the renovation of the museum’s permanent exhibitions.

Laura represents the Museum in the European ESTHER network for the safeguarding of contemporary scientific and technological heritage, coordinated by the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris, with the participation of the Deutsches Museum in Munich and the Science Museum in London. Her expertise ranges from museology to collection practices and cultural heritage.


Collection management at the Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum. A critical assessment

A museum with around 20.000 objects (from microchips to a submarine) the archives and the library, located in historical buildings in the heart of Milan - a city which lies on an acquifer - offers many challenges to the collection management. In the last 20 years much has been done to set the bases of preventive conservation, shifting the focus from restoration projects to collection surveys and environment improvement. Now a new shift is needed: involving professional staff and a systemic approach to choose the right priorities and deliver a scalable investment plan to the governance of the museum.