Oct 16 – 18, 2019
Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Sala delle Capriate
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Melania Zanetti

Video Talk - Slides


Melania Zanetti graduated in Cultural Heritage Preservation at the University of Udine and at the European School for book and paper conservators in Spoleto (Italy). She has been working as freelance conservator for public institutions (libraries, archives and museums) since 1999. She has been contract professor of «Theory and history of conservation» at the Catholic University in Milan since 2000 and of «Book and paper conservation» at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice since 2012.

From its foundation in 2013 she is president of AICRAB, the Italian Association that brings together archivists, librarians and conservators of the archive and library heritage in an interprofessional dialogue.


Preserving our cultural heritage: activities and interventions

Collections of historical papers, books and instruments held by scientific institutions – among which a primary role is played by INAF – are recognized as part of our cultural heritage, providing material evidence of the research and development of science.This recently acquired status offers the chance to reconsider their cultural significance, much wider than the functionality that justified their importance in the past. In a context in which theoretical reflection on the many aspects of safeguarding this specific heritage is still unripe, prevention activities aimed at slowing down its degradation, together with direct interventions acting in a non-invasive way, constitute a fundamental action for its preservation and transmission to the future.