Oct 16 – 18, 2019
Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Sala delle Capriate
UTC timezone

Christian Degrigny

Video Talk - Slides


Christian Degrigny  has a PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of Paris IV (1990) on the stabilisation of submerged aluminium remains. He has since specialised in the application of electrochemistry in conservation science and is currently a professor at Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-restauration, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (HE-Arc CR).


Metal artefacts in scientific collections: corrosion, protection and conservation

Indoor atmospheres are often considered safer than outdoor environments. It is well known, however, that most of the metal artefacts in the collections suffer from pollutants released within the storage areas or from objects in the immediate environment, uncontrolled relative humidity and temperature, and neglect (dust). In this presentation, an overview of the corrosion processes that develop on metallic objects in the collections (and in particular scientific objects) will be provided, as well as recommendations on how to prevent them and/or physically protect the artefacts from possible damage. Some information will also be given on how to non-invasively document the first signs of corrosion and stabilize / clean them.