25–28 Jun 2018
Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Analysis of high-resolution spectra of young stars: looking for wind signatures (I)

27 Jun 2018, 16:30


Elisabetta Rigliaco


Slow-winds have been found to be almost ubiquitous around young stars. These winds, together with magnetospheric accretion, are the main players in the evolution and dispersal of protoplanetary disk material, and they can be magnetically or thermally driven. In this contribution I will present a few results obtained combining observations conducted with the high-resolution spectrograph UVES in different observing campaign. The observations span over objects that ar i) in different evolutionary stages (classical T Tauri stars and stars harboring a transitional disk); ii) high-accretors with/without prominent jet features; iii) in different star forming regions. The analysis will focus mainly on the [OI] optical forbidden lines, and our findings will be discussed in the light of other campaign conducted in recent years with other lower-resolution instruments.

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