25–28 Jun 2018
Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

On The Secular Evolution of GG Tau A Circumbinary Disc: A Misaligned Disc Scenario

27 Jun 2018, 12:00


Aly Hossam (University of Milan)


The binary system GG Tau A is observed to have a circumbinary disc with a
dust ring located further out than expected from tidal truncation theory.
Given the binary separation, this large cavity can be explained by relaxing
the assumption of a co-planar disc and instead fit the observations with a
mis-aligned circumbinary disc around an eccentric binary with a wider
semi-major axis. I present the results of SPH simulations to check this
possibility and investigate the long term evolution of such a system. I
find that a misalignment angle of 30 degrees and a binary eccentricity of
0.45 fit both the astrometric data and the disc cavity.

Primary author

Aly Hossam (University of Milan)

Presentation materials