25–28 Jun 2018
Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Are we alone in the Universe? A unique opportunity for science outreach in GENESIS-SKA project context

26 Jun 2018, 18:10


Caterina Boccato (INAF Padova)


The GENESIS-SKA project is supported as PRIN-INAF and its main goal is to study dust evolution, planet formation, and pre-biotic chemical complexity, in the context of preparation of SKA Key Programmes. The funding PRIN-INAF also accounts for communication, public and industrial outreach of the projects’ scientific goals and results. This is the reason why GENESIS-SKA has a dedicate outreach work package and a specific activities’ plan which, in this talk, we would like to present and discuss with the scientific community. To do this we also take advantage of previous professional engagement in other outreach activities, in general, and, in particular, in the INAF supported GAPS (Global Architecture of Planetary Systems) observational project.

The big question that GENESIS-SKA will address is: What physical and chemical conditions, during the early formation phases of planetary systems, can determine the rise of life? It is quite clear that these scientific aspects are especially well suited for outreach, being related to the fundamental question of broad interest: How did life emerge? In this context the work will be done in synergy with the central INAF communication office as well as with the SKA Organisation (in particular the Cradle of life key science driver), in order to promote the INAF image focusing on its leading role on the SKA-related activities on the Origins of Life. We will focus on disseminating, throughout different approaches, the main scientific aspects both to peers, to general public, to schools, and to all those industries potentially interested in SKA. Moreover, in order to trigger the “wow factor” to get the youngest’ interest, we are planning the realization of a virtual reality exhibit.

Primary authors

Caterina Boccato (INAF Padova) Alessandra Zanazzi (INAF Arcetri) Serena Pastore (INAF Padova) Ileana Chinnici (INAF Palermo) Francesca Bacciotti (INAF Arcetri) Claudio Codella (INAF Arcetri) GENESIS Team

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