25–28 Jun 2018
Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Optical imaging of jets with extreme AO systems (I)

27 Jun 2018, 14:50


Simone Antoniucci


The new generation of instruments equipped with extreme adaptive optics modules has recently started to provide impressive images of structures around young stellar systems at unprecedented angular resolution and contrast.
In this presentation, I will show recent optical images of jets from young stars taken with VLT/SPHERE, in which for the first time we probe angular separations from the driving source below 0.1 arcsec. I will present a morphological analysis of the innermost sections of the jet and discuss how this can provide not only clues on the jet formation and collimation mechanisms, but also indicate the presence of undetected companions to the star or peculiar features on the disk, which can induce a jet wiggling. I will finally give an overview of what we can expect in this field for the near future, also considering the advent of new extreme AO instruments, such as LBT/SHARK.

Primary author

Simone Antoniucci

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