Oct 9 – 12, 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

AGN in Brightest Cluster Galaxies

Oct 11, 2018, 9:30 AM


Paolo Tozzi (INAF - OAArcetri)


We present a systematic investigation of the nuclear activity
in Brighest Cluster Galaxies through cosmic epochs. By combining X-ray,
Radio, optical and IR data, we constrain the origin of the feeding gas and
the accretion regime, as well as the feedback processes affecting
the surrounding Intra Cluster Medium and star formation events in the BCGs.
Our final goal is to constrain the cycle of hot and cold baryons in the
core of groups and clusters of galaxies.

Affiliation INAF - OAA

Primary author

Paolo Tozzi (INAF - OAArcetri)


Mrs Lilan Yang (Beijing Normal University) Prof. Heng Yu (Beijing Normal University) Massimo Gaspari (Princeton University) Dr Elisabeta Lusso (Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy, Department of Physics, Durham University) Dr Roberto Gilli (INAF _OABo) Prof. Guido Risaliti (Università di Firenze) Dr Emanuele Nardini (INAF - OAA)

Presentation materials