11:00 AM
AGN feedback in the form of powerful outflows: an observational perspective (INVITED)
Marcella Brusa
(DIFA- Univ. Bologna; INAF - OAS Bologna )
11:30 AM
Mapping Black Hole winds, from the event horizon up to galaxy scales
Francesco Tombesi
(Univ. Roma Tor Vergata)
11:45 AM
Exceptional ALMA look at the anatomy of a luminous quasar host
Enrico Piconcelli
(INAF - OARoma)
12:00 PM
Photoevaporation of molecular clumps in quasar outflows
Davide Decataldo
12:15 PM
The AGN fueling/feedback cycle in LERGs: a multi-phase study of a sample of local early-type radio galaxies
Ilaria Ruffa
(INAF - IRA, Univ. Bologna)
12:30 PM
Two-Face(s): neutral and ionized light breeze in the local Universe
Alice Concas
(Excellence Cluster Universe)