Opening day
Submission deadline
This is the general call for contributions for the
IVOA June 2025 Interoperability Meeting
You can submit your contribution here or reply to the Working Groups and Interest Groups calls for contributions that you might receive through the dedicated mailing lists. Please try not to duplicate your submission(s) through both channels.
Submission deadline is Friday 9th May 2025.
Contributions should be related to the IVOA standards ecosystem or to the sharing of astronomical data (like applications of the Open Science paradigm or the FAIR principles to astronomical research).
To submit a contribution you need to be registered to the indico.ict.inaf.it (this) platform. If you do not have an account yet, follow the instructions on the INDICO login webpage, clicking on the create one here link just above the red text in that page.
Submission only requires: a title, short abstract, and at least one author.
You can optionally put in the comments box a suggested Working Group / Interest Group that you think your contribution might fit in (a list of the groups is available here: https://www.ivoa.net/members/index.html).
Contributions will be reviewed by TCG and submitters will be notified of acceptance.