20–21 Feb 2025
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
Europe/Rome timezone


Here is a list of suggested hotels near the Capodimonte Observatory or downtown:

Hotels close to the Capodimonte Observatory

Villa Capodimonte       
Salita Moiariello, 66 - 80131 Napoli       
ph +39 081459000       
infovillacapodimonte@ gmail.com - info@ villacapodimonte.it       
Grand Hotel Capodimonte       
Via Capodimonte, 3 - 80131 Napoli       
ph +39 0813653494       
info@ grandhotelcapodimonte.it       
B&B La Veduta       
Salita Moiariello, 13 - 80131 Napoli       
ph +39 0810335976       
info@ beblaveduta.com       

B&B Il Portoncino       
Via Bosco di Capodimonte, 83 – 80131 Napoli       
Tel. 081.7414006 - 393.8766568       

City center hotels

Culture Hotel Centro Storico       
Via Monteoliveto, 15 - 80133 Napoli       
ph +39 0815529435       
info.centrostorico@ gmail.com       
Maison Degas Hotel       
Calata Trinità Maggiore 53, (presso Piazza del Gesù Nuovo)       
interno Palazzo Pignatelli di Monteleone, SCALA B, 3°piano - 80133 Napoli       
ph +39 0810608252       
info@ maisondegas.it       

Hotel Ecumano       
Vico Pallonetto Santa Chiara 17/18, 80134 Napoli       
hotel@ ecumano.it       
Tel 081.5802152


To reserve a room in one of the hotels reported below, we suggest sending an e-mail, or directly phone calling them, mentioning that the reservation is to participate in the VST meeting at the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte. 

There are of course many other hotels and B&B in addition to the ones reported below. However, to take advantage of the bus shuttle, we invite you to reserve accommodation very close to the bus stops reported in the above maps with grey markers.