27–29 Jan 2025
Auditorium nazionale
Europe/Rome timezone

Search in Metis images for structures related with energetic particle events

Not scheduled
Auditorium nazionale

Auditorium nazionale

Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli


Michailidis, Angelos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Research Center For Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of Academy of Athens)


3He-rich particle events were observed during the March 2022 perihelion flyby of Solar Orbiter, (Mason et al 2022, Solar Orbiter nugget~12). Some of these events were found to be related with a large jet emerging from Active Region NOAA 12957, visible on disk center. More energetic particle events were recorded on March the 6 and 18 to 19 by in-situ instruments (Mason et al 2022). In this work we search for possible traces of these events in Metis images. This effort is combined with magnetic field extrapolation using a PFSS potential field approximation, along with codes using other magnetic extrapolation approximations.

Primary author

Michailidis, Angelos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Research Center For Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of Academy of Athens)


Andretta, Vincenzo (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)) Daglis, Ioannis (Hellenic Space Center) Gontikakis, C. Vlahakis, N.

Presentation materials