Metis’s capability to observe at high time cadence and resolution mass ejections into the low solar wind offers exciting new perspectives on how these features evolve and are accelerated. High resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulations can play an important role in helping interpret these observations. In recent years I’ve conducted high resolution MHD simulations with the ARMS code of bursty interchange reconnection and coronal jets as well as streamer blow out and pseudostreamer CMEs. In parallel, a new forward modelling code has been developed (Lynch et al. 24, submitted) for ARMS simulation output. Recently, using this code (Romano et al., in prep) quasi-periodic dense outflows in my bursty interchange reconnection simulation were shown to match closely outflows following a narrow jet-like CME observed by Metis. Here I’ll give an overview of some of my other simulation results and their forward modelled white light signatures as a starting point for further potential comparisons to events observed by Metis.