27–29 Jan 2025
Auditorium nazionale
Europe/Rome timezone

CME plasma diagnostics using Metis coronagraph

Not scheduled
Auditorium nazionale

Auditorium nazionale

Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli


Jejčič, Sonja (University of Ljubljana, FMF)


We have derived the physical parameters of a bright eruptive prominence detected in the core of a CME by using simultaneous SolO/Metis hydrogen L$\alpha$ and VL images for the whole FoV. Our analysis is focused on the event observed on April 25-26, 2021. With triangulation method the de-projected height and velocity of the structure was determined. By analyzing the VL polarization, we have estimated the contribution of the He-D$_3$ line to the VL channel. We developed a diagnostic tool based on a 2D non-LTE radiative transfer code which can be used for optically thin and thick fast-moving structures. By analyzing the observed L$\alpha$ intensity and derived electron column density we can estimate the electron density and the effective thickness of the prominence plasma at a given uniform temperature. The temperature was constrained by our numerical simulations.

Primary author

Jejčič, Sonja (University of Ljubljana, FMF)


Andretta, Vincenzo (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)) Heinzel, Petr (Czech Academy of Sciences) Russano, Giuliana (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)) Dr Schwartz, Pavol (Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences) Susino, Roberto (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)) Štěpán, J.

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