We present the application of supervised learning methods to classify Metis VL and UV images during data validation activities. By examining Metis data collected over the first three years of the Nominal Phase of the Solar Orbiter mission, we labeled various features present in the images. This labeled dataset was then used to train a Support Vector Classification (SVC) model and to predict...
We have derived the physical parameters of a bright eruptive prominence detected in the core of a CME by using simultaneous SolO/Metis hydrogen L$\alpha$ and VL images for the whole FoV. Our analysis is focused on the event observed on April 25-26, 2021. With triangulation method the de-projected height and velocity of the structure was determined. By analyzing the VL polarization, we have...
The fourth perihelion of the Solar Orbiter nominal mission occurred on October 7h, 2023. During the 12-days window around the closest approach (0.29 au), Metis carried out a series of observations at medium and high cadence: from 120 s in pB sequences, down to 20 s in total brightness runs. During the high-cadence observations carried out on October 5th 2023, Metis captured numerous features...
The detection of small objects, such as sungrazing comets or asteroids, passing in the field of view of solar coronagraphs, remains an underexplored field of research. This gap presents an opportunity to leverage advanced deep learning methodologies for detecting these objects in the images of Metis, the multi-wavelength coronagraph aboard the Solar Orbiter mission. Metis offers imaging...
During the October 2022 perihelion, the Metis coronagraph on-board Solar Obiter captured an exceptionally large coronal mass ejection (CME) during a dedicated observation program. This event was recorded with high temporal (cadence 20 s) and spatial (4.5x10^3 km/px) resolution, within a field of view extending from 2 to 3.1 solar radii at a distance of 0.3 AU from the Sun. Detailed...
High-performance computing (HPC) has long become a cornerstone for advancing solar physics. The application of HPC in this domain is particularly significant for the understanding of a number of fundamental physics questions when interlaced with realistic boundary and initial conditions or when different physical regimes need to be described simultaneously.
The solar wind, the solar corona,...
The IBIS 2.0 project upgrades the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer, which was operated at the Dunn Solar Telescope of the National Solar Observatory from 2003 to 2019, for installation at the THEMIS telescope of the Teide Observatory. The instrument combines two tunable Fabry-Ṕerot interferometers, narrowband interference filters, a polarimetric unit, fast cameras, and a suitable...
Radio observations can probe and monitor the vertical structure and physical conditions of different layers of the solar atmosphere as a function of the observing frequency. Covering the entire radio range from millimeter to decameter wavelengths, it is possible to explore emission from the temperature minimum (at sub-millimeter waves) to the low corona (at meter waves) with the advantage that...
This talk will illustrate some data- and model-driven computational approaches for data interpretation in heliophysics. Applications will involve flare forecasting using vector magnetograms, space weather prediction using both remote sensing and in-situ data, models for particle acceleration using hard X-ray observations, and desaturation of EUV maps
The METIS Coronagraph onboard Solar Orbiter observes simultaneously in Visible (VL) band between 580 and 640 nm and Ultraviolet (UV) band at 121.6 nm. It also observes at high spatial and temporal resolution, thus, allowing a comprehensive interpretation of solar events. In particular, the Metis team is creating a database of solar eruptive events observed in both the VL and UV channels. The...
Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter images the extended solar corona in VL and UV. Metis performance after 5 years of operations will be presented with a brief summary of the science achieved so far and the data availability.
In 2024, the coronagraphs ASPIICS and CODEX will be launched on the formation flying PROBA-3 ESA mission and on the ISS with a NASA-KASI-INAF mission, respectively. The 150-m separation between the formation-flying Coronagraph and Occulter satellites of PROBA-3 will allow long-duration, eclipse-like imaging of the inner corona, down to heliocentric heights of 1.1 solar radii. Besides the cold...
Galactic cosmic rays and solar particles above 70 MeV/n are energetic enough to pass through or interact deeply within the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. Particle tracks in the Metis visible light images are studied with a visual analysis of the cosmic-ray matrices. The results of this analysis are compared to Monte Carlo simulations carried out with the use of EPD/HET proton data gathered outside...
The Metis coronagraph takes observations with high cadence of the solar corona, allowing an unprecedented time resolution in the study of coronal structures, in particular that of polar plumes in visible light. Moreover, the possibility of freezing the vantage point during periods of corotation, enables to follow the evolution of single plumes, virtually for days. I will discuss the analysis...
The pyCID GUI was presented during the previous METIS meeting as a tool for quick visualization of METIS images, their running difference and light curves of different data levels. Here we present the "CMEdetect" function, an addition to the pyCID interface providing an option for a semi-automatic detection of a CME. The algorithm starts from the running difference of two selected METIS images...
On 5–6 October 2023, Metis captured high-cadence images of a sequence of coronal plasma emissions. These emissions, constrained by an overlying magnetic field, do not propagate beyond 3 solar radii and appear to fall back onto the Sun. This presentation will describe the available dataset, showcase preliminary analyses, and provide an overview of the context in which these events occur, aiming...
PROBA-3 is the next ESA mission in the PROBA line of small technology demonstration satellites that was launched on 5 December 2024. It is currently in the commissioning phase. PROBA-3 is a mission dedicated to the in-flight demonstration of precise formation flying techniques and technologies. The PROBA-3 mission will place two small satellites in a highly elliptical orbit around the Earth....
On September 5, 2022, a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) was multiply observed by coronagraphs on board the STEREO and SOHO spacecraft, and by the WISPR coronagraph on board the Parker Solar Probe (PSP). A few hours later, the plasma and magnetic field of the perturbation were measured in-situ by PSP at 0.07 AU and by Solar Orbiter at 0.7 AU. This event offers therefore a unique set of constraints...
3He-rich particle events were observed during the March 2022 perihelion flyby of Solar Orbiter, (Mason et al 2022, Solar Orbiter nugget~12). Some of these events were found to be related with a large jet emerging from Active Region NOAA 12957, visible on disk center. More energetic particle events were recorded on March the 6 and 18 to 19 by in-situ instruments (Mason et al 2022). In this work...
The Solar Orbiter mission represents an unprecedented opportunity to understand the fundamental link between the magnetised solar atmosphere and the dynamics of the solar wind, thanks to its unique payload consisting of both remote sensing and in situ instruments.
Within this framework, the Solar Wind Analyzer (SWA) is a key in situ instrument to characterize the near-Sun environment. In...
The interplay between emerging magnetic flux and pre-existing ambient fields is a key driver of small- to intermediate-scale energetic phenomena in the solar atmosphere, caused by magnetic reconnection. These events provide valuable opportunities to model eruptive phenomena on larger scales and necessitate a synergistic observational approach. We present observations of energy release events...
The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a cutting-edge solar observatory that with its multi-wavelength focal plane instruments will study in detail the physical processes that occur in the magnetized plasma of the solar atmosphere and that are at the origin of space weather, and the causes of solar variability. a 4.2-meter primary mirror, the EST will be optimized to study the intricate...
SOLAR-C is the next JAXA-led devoted to the study of the Sun. The overarching science goals of the missions is to further our understanding of how underlying physical processes, acting on small scales, lead to the formation of the outer solar atmosphere and the solar wind, and how the solar atmosphere becomes unstable, releasing the energy that drives solar flares and eruptions.
The main...
Recent high-resolution observations from the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter reveal complex variations in CME structures, posing significant challenges to existing models. With the ability to directly compare simultaneous remote imaging and in-situ measurements, we can now probe CME internal structures in unprecedented detail. These advances raise questions about whether our current...