General information


We do not have specific indication to provide. Firenze is a very touristic city and offer a huge number of hotel rooms in a wide range of rates. Do not wait to book your room. In particular, a fashion event will happen the same week of the conference which probably put a pressure on room availability and prices.

The public transport network is made of two tramway lines and a good number of bus lines. It is quite reliable and a single-trip costs 1.70 euros, no matter the distance. Tickets can be bought in vending machines installed at tramway stations or at retailers (e.g., in "tabaccheria"). Buying a paper ticket inside the tramway is not possible, but it is possible in the bus at an increased price. You can also pay directly with your bank card inside a bus or tram but you will not get receipts (the only proof will be on your bank summary). Paper tickets must be validated inside the bus/tram.


The meeting will begin the morning of Tuesday 14th January (@ 9/9:30 AM), and it will conclude in the afternoon of Friday 17th January (@3PM).
Exact shedule will be provided at a later stage when the program is finalised.

Duration of the invited talks is approximately 25-35 min including questions.

Social dinner

Social dinner will be on Wednesday. The cost of dinner will be approximately 50-60 euros. Location and exact price will be given at a later stage.

Letter of Invitation - Certificate of attendence

If you need either a Letter of invitation or a Certificate of attendence, please get in touch with Matheu Van der Swaelmen mathieu.van AT