Circumbinary planets with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

17 Jan 2025, 11:15
Fuligno Cenacle

Fuligno Cenacle

Via Faenza 48, 50123, Firenze


Eamonn Kerins


The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman) is a NASA mission that is scheduled to launch in October 2026. Roman will have similar sensitivity and resolution to Hubble but will be able to survey the sky around 1400x faster. Around 25% of the first 5 years of the mission will be devoted to a near-infrared time domain survey of the Galactic bulge that is expected to find around 1,500 cool exoplanets using microlensing, and up to 200,000 hot exoplanets with the transit method. I will overview the huge opportunities that Roman will provide for exoplanet demographics, including the identification and study of circumbinary planetary systems.

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