T. Shimonishi (hot cores at low metallicity)
M. Sewiło (complex organic molecules at low metallicity)
L. Colzi (molecular abundance gradients)
A. McLeod (protostellar disks in low-metallicity environments)
B. Soares (link between planets and their host stars)
E. Delgado-Mena (chemical abundances of stars hosting planets)
A. Sozzetti (frequency of planets around low-met stars)
M. Tsantaki (metallicity dependence in planet-host stars)
S. Viti (chemical models in Solar and sub-Solar metallicity environments)
P. Sharda (the IMF as a function of metallicity)
S. Charnley (chemical models at different physico-chemical conditions)
R. Garrod (chemical models at different physico-chemical conditions)
T. Bisbas (astrochemistry in extreme galactic conditions)
M. Padovani (cosmic rays ionisation rate models)
D. Turrini (formation of planetesimals)
E. Pacetti (termophysical and chemical evolution of planet-forming disks and impact on planetary composition)
D. Locci (photoevaporation of the atmosphere due to the host star)
R. Yates (semi-analytical Galactic chemical evolution models)
E. Spitoni (Galactic chemical evolution models applied to the GHZ)
M. Palla (Galactic chemical evolution models applied to the GHZ)
M. Pignatari (Galactic chemical evolution history of galaxies)
R. Spinelli (the impact of GRBs on the GHZ)
T. Tsujimoto (distribution of planets building blocks in the Milky Way)
E. Zackrisson (terrestrial planets across space and time)