
The Fuligno Cenacle in Florence is located inside the medieval convent that once housed the Fuligno nuns, founded in the early 1300s and renovated around 1430, and is a museum dedicated to the large fresco of the Last Supper by Pietro Perugino, dating to the late 1400s.
The convent, deconsecrated during the Napoleonic era, briefly housed the Archeological Museum and the Feroni Collection; after the Florence flood, it served as the Superintendency's repository for flooded works of art.

Today, the Cenacle room also contains frescoes by Bicci di Lorenzo (around 1430) coming from other rooms of the ancient convent of Fuligno, a wooden crucifix by Benedetto da Maiano and a Assumption of the Virgin by Valerio Marucelli, once on the high altar in the Church of Sant’Onofrio.

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