29 July 2024 to 1 August 2024
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana
Europe/Ljubljana timezone



The meeting will be held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in the F2 lecture room on the 1st floor of the Physics department (Jadranska 19). Few more lecture rooms will be available for work.

How to reach us?

The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (University of Ljubljana) is at Jadranska 19, in the South West of Ljubljana. The Physics department is the grey building on the left (looking from the street toward the parking place).

Google maps: http://goo.gl/maps/sGNwt

  • by car:
    • from motorway: take the Ljubljana Zahod (Ljubljana Vič) exit.
  • by bus:
    • bus number 1 (direction Mestni log), get off at 'Jadranska' stop
    • bus number 6 (direction Dolgi most), get off at 'Hajdrihova' or 'Stan in dom'
    • bus number 6B (direction Vnanje Gorice), get off at 'Hajdrihova' or 'Stan in dom'
  • by train: 
    • from the Main station: walk to Slovenska cesta (less than 10 minutes walk) and take bus 6 or 1. See this map.
    • from the Tivoli station: aound 15 minutes walk or take bus 6 or 1 on Tržaška cesta.
  • by bicicle: 
    • rent a bicicle using the Bicikelj app. Weekly subscription is 1eur. The nearest bike station is on Tržaška cesta.


The Faculty has a free parking. 
When you arrive at the parking entrance, just ring the bell to access it. 

Bus tickets
Busses can be paid using an Urbana card, a VISA or a Mastercard card.
Ticket fare is 1,3 euros for each ride (in the case of an Urbana card covers up to a 90-minute journey regardless of the number of bus changes). Urbana cards are available at tourist info offices, kiosks, post offices, etc. More information here.