29 July 2024 to 1 August 2024
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Galaxies in high-z clusters and proto-clusters in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations

29 Jul 2024, 15:30
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana

Jadranska 19 1000 Ljubljana


Michela Esposito (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))


The study of high-z clusters and proto-clusters is fundamental to understanding the connection between the evolution of galaxies and their environment. Theoretical models of galaxy formation and evolution are still challenged by observations of a highly diverse star formation scenario in (proto-)clusters at z~2, confirming that the physics of galaxy formation is not well understood yet. This cosmic time is characterized by the transition from highly star-forming proto-clusters
to mature clusters, and its study is a fundamental step in constraining our knowledge of galaxy evolution. Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations are currently among the most advanced tools to investigate this. In this talk or poster, I will present the analysis of a set of state-of-the-art high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy (proto-)clusters and compare them with an average cosmological volume, acting as a ”control field”, to isolate the effects of
environment on galaxy populations. Monte Carlo radiation transfer of stellar light through a modeled dust distribution was included in post-processing in order to enable a proper comparison with the observed properties of (proto-)cluster galaxies. I will show how the simulations succeed in reproducing some observables related to the star formation and dynamics of galaxy populations, while others remain a challenge, leaving questions open on which key ingredients are still lacking in our theoretical framework. Then, I will discuss predictions from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations on the AGN populations in dense environments that can be used as a theoretical benchmark to plan future observations.

Primary author

Michela Esposito (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

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