Ilsang Yoon
(National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
Variation of AGN activity is usually stochastic and does not exceed a few tens of percent. However, a small fraction of AGNs show much more dramatic and coherent changes in their spectral and photometric activity over a 100-1000 days time scale and manifest themselves as “Changing-Look” AGN (hereafter CL AGN). I will start this talk with a history of the CL AGN study (“yesterday”). Then I will present a brief overview of recent observational and theoretical efforts to understand the nature of CL AGNs and introduce the current observational campaigns to discover CL AGNs (“today”). Lastly, I will discuss the prospect of CL AGN study in the era of Rubin LSST (“tomorrow”).
Primary author
Ilsang Yoon
(National Radio Astronomy Observatory)