Galaxy-morphology-dependent virial factors

24 Jul 2024, 12:30
Planetario di Torino “Attilio Ferrari” (Pino Torinese (Turin))

Planetario di Torino “Attilio Ferrari”

Pino Torinese (Turin)

Via Osservatorio, 30


Alister Graham (Swinburne University of Technology)


The scaling relations between the mass of black holes and the properties of galaxies are becoming more specific to the different galaxy morphologies. I will present an update on the current status of these relations and explain how we can refine the virial factor(s), f, used to calculate black hole masses from AGN virial products.

Funding request, please specify Coming from Australia, this is an expensive trip. I plan to combine it with an astronomy meeting in Sextens the week before, for which I am receiving no support from the organisers despite being an invited speaker. If support is available, i will humbly take some.

Primary author

Alister Graham (Swinburne University of Technology)

Presentation materials

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