2–6 Sept 2024
Teatro Cortesi
UTC timezone

We are pleased to announce the first of a series of conferences on Astrophysics and Space Science in Marche, entitled “AGN Feedback and Star Formation Across Cosmic Scales and Time" which will be held at the historical theater of Sirolo, Italy, on September 2-6, 2024.



Scientific rationale 

The star-formation properties of galaxies and the central supermassive black holes that they host follow a tight co-evolution. Current structure formation models invoke Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) feedback via quasar or radio modes at the high stellar mass ends, as well as feedback from supernovae at low stellar masses, to explain the observed number density of galaxies as a function of stellar mass and redshift. However, despite decades-long efforts both simulations and observations still struggle to reach a consensus on the physical mechanisms regulating star formation and feedback across all scales (from sub-parsec to mega-parsec) and across cosmic history (from the local universe to the first galaxies). The advancements of hydrodynamical and semi-analytical simulations in terms of improved physically motivated models, code efficiency, and hardware for HPC infrastructures now allow us to reach unprecedented numerical accuracy, but the sensitivity leap in recent and current observations is further challenging our understanding of galaxy formation in a cosmological context.


The conference will gather major experts to review the recent advancements in the field in the context of multi-wavelength observations and their comparison with  theoretical and numerical models.


Key Science topics that will be covered: 


• Star formation across cosmic epochs 

• Quenching of star formation in galaxies

• Physics of star formation and feedback from supernovae and AGN in simulations

• High resolution imaging and spectroscopy of AGN feedback, inflow/outflows and star formation (e.g., ALMA, JWST, MUSE, XRISM, etc.)

AGN feedback in clusters and dense environments

• Theoretical and observational aspects of the formation and evolution of super massive black holes


Confirmed invited speakers: 


David Alexander (Durham University) 

Nielsen Brandt (Pennsylvania State University)

Marcella Brusa (University of Bologna)

Adam Carnall (Edinburgh University) 

Françoise Combes  (Observatory of Paris)

Jan Scholtz (Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge)

Brian McNamara (University of Waterloo)

Raffaella Morganti (ASTRON / Kapteyn Institute, Groningen)

Dylan Nelson (University of Heidelberg)

Valeria Olivares (NASA Ames)

Annagrazia Puglisi (University of Southampton) 

Amelie Saintonge (University College London)

Milena Valentini (University of Trieste)

Sylvain Veilleux (University of Maryland)

Katherine Whitaker (UMass)

Feng Yuan (Fudan University) 


Registration fees:

The registration fee of 250 euro will cover coffee breaks and the welcome drink on Monday.

There will be a discounted fee for PhD students, equal to 150 euro.

Important Notes:

Some people received e-mails about accommodation arrangements. Please be aware that this is spam. We apologize for the inconvenience. We will never contact the participants about accommodation arrangements neither we will share e-mails of the participants to external companies or entities.  



Teatro Cortesi
Sirolo (Ancona) - Italy

SIte under construction