Vincenzo Andretta
(Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
The Metis coronagraph observes the solar corona at spatial resolution that can rival or surpass other instruments, either ground-based or space-borne. In addition, the instrument design allows observations at high temporal cadences that were difficult to achieve before in the extended corona.
During the perihelia of the Solar Orbiter nominal mission, these capabilities have been exploited to provide observations that are opening a new window on the dynamics of the solar corona in a range of parameters never explored before.
We present, in particular, the detection of density perturbations in the corona above 2 solar radii that we interpret as due to leakage in the extended corona of surface p-modes.
Primary author
Vincenzo Andretta
(Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))