Solar Orbiter, launched from the Kennedy Space Flight Center on the 10th February 2020, is now completing the second year of its nominal mission phase, started at the end of 2021.
Solar Orbiter carries a science payload composed of remote sensing and in-situ instruments that already had the possibility of studying the Sun at close heliocentric distance, lower than that of planet Mercury.
The Metis coronagraph has obtained simultaneous images of the full solar corona , in the hydrogen Ly-alpha and polarised visible light, within a field of view from 1.6 to 3 solar radii, with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. The detailed study of these images, also in synergy with data collected by other instruments on board Solar Orbiter, as well as on other space missions and ground based observatories, is providing a new insight on the dynamical phenomena that take place in the corona.
The 9th Metis Workshop will be devoted to an extended discussion with the solar and heliospheric community of the results of the investigations already carried out, of those that are on-going, and of the possible prospects for new studies.
Deadline for the abstract submission has been extended until 22 December 2023
Deadline for Registration is 31st December 2023